Continuous water monitoring

Online or continuous monitoring is a huge step forward for many types of water monitoring. From state of environment to trade waste effluent monitoring, the ability to view real time trends and changes provides our customers with more detailed results than that offered by discrete (grab) sampling. Along with temperature and pH, continuous monitoring allows our team to measure the following for our customers.

Scope of test

Dissolved oxygen

This involves measuring how much oxygen is dissolved in the water. The amount of dissolved oxygen in a stream or lake can tell us a lot about the quality of the water


Changes in conductivity can indicate that a discharge or another source of disturbance has decreased the quality of the water available to living aquatic organisms


This indicates the amount of sediment in the water. Increased amounts can have negative effects on living aquatic organisms. Suspended sediments that cause turbidity can carry contaminants such as heavy metals and bacteria and block light from reaching aquatic organisms


Nitrates are essential for plant life, but excess amounts are detrimental to water quality. Elevated levels of nitrates in water can accelerate eutrophication, causing increases in aquatic plant growth and changes in the types of plants and animals that live in the stream


Buffering capacity of water to resist acidification


This is used as a proxy for coliforms, also known as faecal matter. Measuring tryptophan gives us information about wastewater discharges into a stream or waterway. Elevated levels of tryptophan are detrimental to water quality and the health of aquatic life