
Microbial testing is necessary where human health is at risk of being adversely affected by biological pathogens, disease-causing bacteria, and other toxins.

Scope of test - Microbiology

Heterotrophic plate count

(22 degrees celcius, 35 degrees celcius and 37 degrees celcius) – count of microorganisms that require carbon for growth

Total coliforms

Group of total bacteria

Faecal coliforms

Bacteria that are present in the intestines and faeces of warm-blooded animals/humans

Escherichia coli (E. Coli.)

Bacteria that are present in the intestines and faeces of warm-blooded animals/humans. Common to test recreational and drinking water


Bacteria that are present in the intestines and faeces of warm-blooded animals/humans. Common to use in marine waters

Faecal Streptococci

Bacteria that are present in the intestines and faeces of warm-blooded animals/humans

Pseudomonas aeruginosa

A pathogenic bacteria found in soils, water, and plants

Staphylococcus aureus

A pathogen that can be passed from person to person, can be found in the environment and on food products


Protozoa: Giardia and Cryptosporidium

Parasites found in the gut of humans and animals

Helminth Ova

Infectious eggs of parasitic worms


Culturable Viruses: Entero and Adeno

Viruses that can cause a wide variety of illness in humans

Sample preparation: Hepatic & Norovirus

Preparation for these viruses with analysis subcontracted to another laboratory

F-specific RNA bacteriophage

Indicator test for viruses present within a sample


Phytoplankton including Cyanobacteria

Plankton that consist of microscopic plants, including microorganisms that have the potential to produce cyanotoxins

Algae Biovolumes

Total volume of water body that is take up by algae based on their differing sizes


Small animals and immature larger animals

Aquatic biology

Macroinvertebrates and MCI assessments

Aquatic macroinvertebrates measurement, larvae, snail, worms etc used to measure stream health

Filamentous bacteria

Long strand shaped bacteria, commonly found in activated sludge systems but can also be found in the environment